We are happy to ship our products to customers worldwide!
If your country does not appear in the list of countries we ship to, please contact us at and we will get back to you if we can ship to your country.
Legislation, distances and language barriers make it difficult to serve customers from many different countries. We have set up our international web shop in English to target customers from both inside EU and outside EU respectively.
Customers from inside the EU must pay their local VAT on all goods, while customers outside the EU do not have to pay VAT on their purchase. The prices in our International webshop are shown exclusive of VAT to begin with and your local VAT / tax (if you are shopping from inside the EU) is added during checkout.
You can choose to view the prices in different currencies.
Customers from outside the EU must expect that they will be charged local VAT, once your parcel arrives at the borders / goes through customs.