Wonderful things happen when we knit together

Imagine winning the lottery right before a yarn fair – that’s the feeling we are left with after a 3 day visit from one of the best knitters in the world. We feel incredibly lucky to have witnessed Olga Jazzy’s creative brain unfold and to have met so many lovely people.
Olga Jazzy is one of the most inspiring people to be around. She is so technically talented that you cannot help but learn new things on her workshops. Her mind is very creative and her designs are so unique – you won’t see anything like it among other knit designers. Her designs are a mix of curiosity, architecture and art.
"She is so technically talented that you cannot
help but learn new things on her workshops."
Our first workshop was about module knitting, based on Olga's famous shawls Asanagi and Aranami. The workshop participants received both patterns and an interesting presentation on how to knit different kinds of module knits. Then we threw ourselves at Asanagi and Aranami. The kits for both shawls are now available on Önling’s webshop here.
Olga was very impressed with how much knitting means to our culture - how many of us can knit, how fast and how hungry we are for new knowledge.
Saturday, we filled up the showroom with new faces and old friends and we patented patents. Maybe not exactly - but we learned a lot about patents, both about it’s right side and wrong side. One can almost say that we have become world champions in patent. Also, we learned the techniques for her two cowls: Reimei and Boshoku.
Olgas's new shawl Hisho is incredibly simple, yet so beautiful. Katrine has translated the pattern into Danish and you can now buy the kit at Önling here.
I am just about to cast on for her shawl 'Ten-Ten' and never before has my brain been as challenged by looking at knitwork – the design is filled with holes, oval polka dotted holes, but the yarn is not broken once. I am in the process of finding out how to do that.
This year we are trying many new things at Önling and one of them is our workshops. We are so excited about how well they have been received and since we are constantly learning, we hope you will let us know if you have any advice for improvements or the like.
"Something very special happens when we all learn together,
laugh together and knit together."
I would like to finish off by saying thank you to everybody who participated in our workshop weekend and a special thank you to Olga Jazzy for coming all the way to Copenhagen to be with us and to fill our heads with new knowledge and ideas. Thank you so much to all of you that came – you, who found Önling for the first time and you, who are good friends of the house. Something very special happens when we all learn together, laugh together and knit together.
Mette Lundstad, intern and knit-wit at Önling