When we meet face to face, knitting festivals and fairs

When we meet face to face, knitting festivals and fairs - Önling INT

One of the things we love the most in Önling, is to meet all of you, our lovely customers, face to face.

We do of course meet some of you on a daily basis in our showroom, but the occasions where we meet most of you are at the knitting festivals, arts and craft fairs and small knitting gatherings, that we visit throughout the year. And those are our highlights! When you come and show us your beautiful Önling knits or tells us that you love our yarn just as much as we do.

Önling på messe

We spend a lot of time planning what to bring to the fairs and how to present it. We want our stand to be pretty and cozy, to be place where you want to stay and take a look at all the stuff we have to show you.

The first of this years’ fairs are already successfully over. First, we were at the “Knit festival in Haslev” in March. It was our first time there, and it was such a great day. Both because there were so many lovely knitters, and because there were many interesting stands and workshops. We really hope to be back next year.

In August we visited Aarup at Funen for Knit’n’Jazz. It is a nice little knitting festival with interesting participants, and this year Stephen West from Westknit came over to conduct workshops and a show. It was a pleasure to meet him and see all his beautiful designs. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many different Stephen West designs in one place.

Stephen West møde i Haslev

This September we really take to the road to get out in the country, and that is a pleasure. We have already been visiting fairs the last two weekends and are getting ready for yet another trip, so September is surely the “peak season” for knitting fairs. I’m share a few links with you, so you can see more about what this is all about, and even though most of it is in Danish you might enjoy the pictures and get some sense of the knitting magic taking place :)

- We started out at the “sunshine Island” at “Knit Bornholm” from the 7th to the 9th of September. See more here: https://www.facebook.com/strikbornholm/

- On the 15th to the 16th we visited Hillerød for a branc new fair that we support – just because you can never have too many exciting knitting fairs: https://www.facebook.com/SyogStrikMedMere/. This fair will be back in January for those who didn’t make it this time.

- On the 20th to 23rd of September we are going to the Island of Fanø for the big international Knitting Festival. http://www.strikkefestival.dk/da/forside

- And finally, on the 28th to the 30th of September we are back in Copenhagen for Knitwork knitting festival in downtown Copenhagen https://knitwork.dk/festival2018/

So that is our busy September, but let’s not forget the last of this year’s big arts and craft fairs “Kreative Dage” in Fredericia on the 26th to 28th of October. This fair is not only for knitters, so there is plenty of things to see for everyone who likes to be creative.  https://www.kreativedage.dk/

Are you or your knitting club going to any knitting fairs or festival this year?

I personally love fairs and knitting festivals. I particularly love combining them with my vacations. I have previously visited “The Knitting and Stitching Show” in London. It is a huge fair. 3 halls full of yarn, fabric and buttons. It takes place several times each year, but the largest one is the one in Alexander Palace in London. It was fantastic for meet so many designers and yarn brands that are not known at home.

Knitting and Stitching show i London

This year I’m visiting “Vogue Knitting Live” in San Francisco. I’m not sure what to expect, but I’m sure it will be great. I have not bought any workshop tickets, but only access to the stands, so I will be looking at and feeling a lot of new delicious yarn. I love discovering new yarns and designers, but I also love just sitting there looking at people. Because when knitters visit fairs we wear the knitting projects that we are most proud of having made – so there is so many beautiful knitted pieces just walking around everywhere.

I hope you will come by and say Hi if you come to any of the fairs. We are often very busy, but we always have time to say Hi and see what you have knitted :-)

See you out there!

Mette Lunddstad 
Design and Knit Enthusiast with Önling