Yarn scraps and about giving yarn new life

I have a lot of yarn - I could probably insulate a small house with my leftovers! Sometimes I just buy too much by mistake and sometimes I fall in love with a specific type of yarn and then I end up with lots of leftovers.
That's why I'm really crazy about Stine Hoelgård's "scrappy sweater". I think it's an ingenious way to use all my lovely left-over yarn scraps. You can see the more pictures of the scrappy sweater on Instagram @stinehoelgaard eller #restetrøjen
At Önling we are so pleased that Stine Hoelgaard has agreed to come and hold a workshop on October 3rd about her scrappy sweater.
The workshop will include a small presentation with Stine about her designs and of her road to becoming a knit designer - and of course the pattern for her scrappy sweater.
In addition, we will swap yarn at the workshop. So you bring your yarn left-overs, which you will not use yourself and swap them for scraps, that fits the color of the sweater you want to knit. Exactly how the yarn swap will take place is to be determined, but it can be both full, half or quarter yarn balls. The most important thing is to give your lovely yarn scraps a new life.
So get a hold of your yarn scraps and your knitting friends and buy a ticket here
This way of giving something new life is also called “circular economy” - things get new life and is brought into the circle of consumption again. I would like to share with you a super exciting project I am currently part of. It is called "fiber share" and it is a project that runs through Instagram, where the focus is also about giving yarn new life.
It's not about leftovers as such - but more about getting some of the balls you've regretted buying, or those balls you just know you’ll never use, into play again. To participate I had to pay an administration fee of $ 8 and complete a schedule of who I am: Am I a knitter? Favorite yarns, favorite colors, where do I knit and what do I watch while knitting, favorite snacks and what colors I like and do not like. Then "fiber share" matches me with a "partner" and then I need to send at least 200 g of yarn to that person. We know who each other is, and we need to get in touch digitally - just to say hi.
The focus is on "passing it on" or paying it forward. So we each need to ship some lovely things to the other person; something we really like, or something we have seen, which we think will make the other person happy.
"I love the thought that my yarn scraps
can bring someone else happiness."
I love the thought that my yarn scraps can bring someone else happiness. And that it's not just a project about cleaning up my personal yarn inventory, but also that it has an aspect of making another person happy - a person I don’t know but who I share a passion with – that is a great vision. If you think it sounds exciting, then check it out on Instagram (@fibershare).
I really hope to see you at Stine Hoelgårds workshop on October 3rd. I will definitely be there – bringing a big bag of yarn scraps, and hoping to replace some of them with just the colors I'm lacking for my scrappy sweater.
Mette Lundstad
Yarn and knit-wit at Önling