Hanne Falkenberg Design is now part of Önling's digital universe

Hanne Falkenberg becomes part of Önling’s digital universe
We are very proud and happy to announce that the iconic, Danish hand-knitting designer, Hanne Falkenberg, will be part of Önling's universe going forward. Önling will bring the Hanne Falkenberg brand forward with a breath of new life and in digital clothing, but with the same name and designs you know. Therefore, neither design nor brand name will be changed.
As of today, you will be able to buy her beautiful designs in a kit with Hanne Falkenberg's own yarn. You will now have the opportunity to put together your own colors so that you can get just the right color combination for you. This is a wish we have heard from several sources, and therefore we are happy to offer the opportunity to choose your own colors for your kit.
Hanne Falkenberg started her journey in Norway, where she spent many years and where she started her design career. She returned to Denmark 20 years ago, and started the brand we know today - Hanne Falkenberg Design. Her designs can be compared to a good piece of architecture, where she uses geometry and graphic lines to create her designs. Her fine color combinations are not a spur of the moment idea, but have come from many, many color tests and knitting swatches to find the perfect color match.
To find the colors, the model was first knitted in neutral colors, after which the knitting swatches helped to find the right color composition. Green in particular is one of Hanne's favorites, which can also be seen from the original kits. Her inspiration comes from the knitting swatches. Inspiration from vacations for example, where she found something inspirational on a walk, in some buildings, etc., it was knitted in a swatch, after which it would be knitted up in larger format.
The best-selling and most well-known Hanne Falkenberg designs are Ballerina, Mariager, Tweedie, Duet and Dacapo - but there are so many beautiful to choose from. See all Hanne Falkenberg designs here.
After a longer dialogue with Hanne, we have been chosen to be the partner that are allowed to sell her beautiful designs. In the dialogue, we have been very clear that we did not want to change in concept or brand, and that we wanted to continue her models and kits as they are, and in Hanne Falkenberg's name. Precisely for this reason, Önling was chosen over other suitors, for the distinguished task of taking the brand onwards. We also sell her well-known Shetland wool in single balls.
Hanne Falkenberg's unique technique fits very well with Önling's philosophy, as it gives an absolutely fantastic result, which has the potential to become your new favorite knit. It is in Önling's core values to create and help find exactly the piece of clothing that you can use for many years to come. That way, we all support slow fashion and sustainability.