Knitting in Shetland wool is knitting for life
Shetland wool originally comes from a breed of sheep that lives on the Scottish north coast. Wool from Shetland sheep is coarser than that from Merino sheep, as Shetland sheep must endure harsh conditions, and the wool is designed to protect them from the elements.
The wool is therefore suitable for knitting warm projects for use in cold climates. Shetland wool is of high quality, typically at a lower price than Merino wool, because the fibers are coarser. Some may find that Shetland wool can feel itchy against the skin.
At Önling, we call our Shetland wool Önling No 20, and it is the same well-known Shetland wool that Hanne Falkenberg has always sold (and has designed most of her iconic models in). The yarn gives a fantastic and rustic look and adds long-lasting structure to your knitting.
Shetland wool can be dyed in the most beautiful melange tones, and at Önling, you can choose from 70 different colors, making Önling No 20 very suitable for fair isle and multicolored knitting.
Önling No 20 is produced in Scotland at a family-owned spinning mill. They have 225 years of experience in yarn production, and their mill is still partially powered by an old water wheel. The yarn is evidence of their philosophy, which is to keep the best of the traditional, while using new technology to support traditional methods and to maintain high quality while reducing energy consumption.
Read more about Önling No 20 here or check out our knitting kits with Önling No 20 here.